One Year

Every day I stand surprised that this fiery little beast of a child is already a year old. The last year has been a busy blur and I can’t believe he’s adjusted so well to all the change.
Aiden is one. He’s walking. He thinks he’s talking. He tries to sing along with Cooper. He eats everything he can get his little hands on (including play dough). He sleeps like a champ. He wants to snuggle all the time. He’s a master of my cell phone, the remote, and anything else with buttons. He’s completely opposed to hats or sunglasses (or a diaper change). He likes to play in the toilet (PUT. THE. LID. DOWN.) He likes his paci but is no where as dependent upon it as big brother was. He could take or leave shoes. Quite possibly the cutest thing as of late is that he really likes a good snuggle with a blankie.
This kid is amazing. His bigger-than-life personality is really developing. He has an attitude the size of Jupiter which doesn’t surprise me a bit. The name “Aiden” means fiery. It’s as if he knows it and I’m glad. He’s going to need that to “make it” alongside Cooper.
I’m amazed at how much he’s grown in this first year amidst all the change. I’m amazed at how much I’ve grown along with him. Just when you think you’ve stopped growing, life throws a curve ball and the growing pains return. However, nothing has phased him. In fact, I don’t worry about him a bit. For me it’s been a painful year — gnashing of teeth and tearing of sack-cloth, if you will. Long, big, messy cry-fests. A little bit of cussing. Quite a bit of yelling. Anger, fear, loneliness, sadness, and, well, a tiny little baby whose joy has made it all worth it. It is worth it.
I wonder what this toddler year will bring for him (and for me).