September Ends

Autumn, where did you come from?
I’m home again and working on my Board work. I’m actually making a dent which is refreshing. I had a cup of coffee this morning with pumpkin spice creamer (completely unaware that it was the first day of Fall…..I hadn’t had my coffee yet). I sent the boys to daycare and preschool this morning, Aiden feeling a little under-the-weather but still joy filled as he is. I had to send them. I have to work.
Time is ticking on and it’s happening quickly. I’m acutely aware of this as I’m awake around 4:00 every morning mulling over the tasks of the weeks to come. Time. It ticks on but there never seems to be enough of it.
Instead of writing today, I need to be visiting. Instead of sending Aiden on to daycare, I need to be carefully monitoring how he’s feeling. Yes? Maybe? But I can’t. I have to work on this. There’s not enough time.
But I have to get this work done. I’ve come too far and worked too hard and prayed for too many years to throw in the towel now and there’s a deadline that where far away is also just around the corner. I just wish there were more time.
The days tick on but the clock ticks so quickly and still, Summer changes to Autumn, the earth prepares for death and I am reminded that on the other side…..resurrection. Resurrection? Yes, please, resurrection.